Local Trails, Guides, & Clubs
State Parks
Gambrill State Park - multiple trails for day hikes, with 1 mile loops and 4-7 mile hikes, two overlooks. Campgrounds available. - https://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/western/gambrill.aspx
Cunningham Falls State Park - with wide gravel path great for young kids, and an accessible parking option with ramp access for the falls. Includes beach access & boat ramp for the lake. https://www.visitfrederick.org/things-to-do/parks-outdoor-recreation/national-state-parks/cunningham-falls-state-park/
National Parks
Catoctin National Park - multiple longer trail options, scenic overlooks, and options routes to the falls. Campgrounds available. https://www.nps.gov/cato/index.htm
Appalachian Trail - https://www.visitfrederick.org/listing/appalachian-trail/9/
C&O Canal - flat, long gravel path by the Potomac - multiple access points https://www.canaltrust.org/pyvcounties/frederick/
Monocacy National Battlefield - https://www.nps.gov/mono/index.htm
31 Frederick Parks - https://www.cityoffrederickmd.gov/1078/Parks And downtown shopping has easy access to Baker Park
Frederick City Watershed - hiking & biking
Riverside Trails - hiking, running, biking https://www.facebook.com/p/Rivers-Edge-Trails-100048914543550/
Monocacy River - https://www.recreater.com/292/Monocacy-Scenic-Water-Trail-Map
Sugarloaf - hiking & climbing - https://sugarloafmd.com/
It’s more fun (and safer!) with friends
Local Guides
Teamlink / Shenandoah Mountain Guides - local experiential provider, with guided hiking, canoeing and rock climbing. https://teamlinkinc.com/
River & Trail Outfitters - rafting and tubing near Harper’s Ferry https://www.rivertrail.com/
Clubs & Organizations
Potomac Appalachian Trail Club - https://www.patc.net/
Mountain Club of Maryland - https://www.mcomd.org/
Frederick Ski Club - https://frederickskiclub.wildapricot.org/
Mid-Atlantic Offroad Enthusiasts - https://more-mtb.org/